--- title: "imcExperiment: containerization of IMC data" author: "Anthony Colombo" output: html_vignette: toc: true number_sections: true vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{imcExperiment: containerization of IMC data} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" --- # Heatmap plotting script (helper) * The heatmap function we do not want to include with this package, but here is the helper function. ```{r,fig.width=11,fig.height=11,message=FALSE} ``` # example * The IMC container contains slots for intensity, coordinates, neighborhood features, networking ID, distance measures, morphology, unique cell labels, panel information, and ROIID. * The input to the imcExperiment object has the cells (columns) and rows are the proteins. * For spatial features, the rows are the cells, and columns are the spatial features. the 2-dim coordinates (x,y), neighborHood features, network assignment, unique Label, ROIID, and distance matrix. These data are required for the constructure but can be edited later. * The IMC container inherits many function used for SummarizedExperiment classes (assays, etc). ```{r,message=FALSE} library(imcExperiment) showClass("imcExperiment") #10 cells with 10 proteins # 10 neighbors # and square distance matrix # note that for SCE objects the columns are the cells, and rows are proteins x<-imcExperiment(cellIntensity=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=10), coordinates=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=2), neighborHood=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=10), network=data.frame(matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=10)), distance=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=10), morphology=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=10), uniqueLabel=paste0("A",seq_len(10)), panel=letters[1:10], ROIID=data.frame(ROIID=rep("A",10))) #7 cells with 10 proteins # but the spatial information is 10 rows and this will fail to build. #x<-imcExperiment(cellIntensity=matrix(1,nrow=7,ncol=10), # coordinates=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=2), # neighborHood=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=20), # network=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=3), # distance=matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=2), # uniqueLabel=rep("A",10), # ROIID=data.frame(ROIID=rep("A",10))) ``` ### Accessors, and setters * the cellIntensity() function accesses cell Intensity * getCoordinates() accesses spatial data. * getNeighborhood() access the histoCAT neighborhood features * getDistance() accesses distance matrix input. * getMorphology() accesses morphology features. * the metadata() function can store extras . ```{r access,eval=TRUE,message=FALSE} #get cellintensities cellIntensity(x) #set intensities newIn<-matrix(rnorm(100,2,5),nrow=10,ncol=10) rownames(newIn)<-rownames(x) colnames(newIn)<-colnames(x) cellIntensity(x)<-newIn cellIntensity(x)==newIn # if we want to store both the raw and normalized values in assays we can. assays(x,withDimnames = FALSE)$raw<-matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=10) #store the normalized values. cellIntensity(x)<-asinh(counts(x)/0.5) all(cellIntensity(x)==asinh(assays(x)$counts/0.5)) x ## access the coordinates getCoordinates(x) getCoordinates(x)<-matrix(rnorm(20,0,10),nrow=10,ncol=2) head( getCoordinates(x)) ## access the neighborhood profile. Note each row must equal the number of cells, but the columns can be extended depending on the radius of interactions. ## access the coordinates getNeighborhood(x) getNeighborhood(x)<-matrix(rnorm(100,1,5),nrow=10,ncol=10) head( getNeighborhood(x)) ## get the distance usually a square matrix, or can be just first nearest etc. getDistance(x) getDistance(x)<-matrix(rnorm(100,1,5),nrow=10,ncol=10) head(getDistance(x)) # get morphological features getMorphology(x) getMorphology(x)<-matrix(rnorm(100,1,5),nrow=10,ncol=60) head(getMorphology(x)) ## for each cell we can obtain the ROI that it belongs to rowData(x) ## if we want to add patient features to each ROI we can metas<-data.frame(ROIID=factor(rep("A",10)),treatment=factor(rep('none',10))) colData(x)<-DataFrame(metas) ##other slots for covariates metadata(x)$experiment<-'test' metadata(x) ``` ### From histoCAT to R * We use the raw histoCAT output and containerize the data. ```{r,message=FALSE} ### load the data from package. library(imcExperiment) ##load the data 1000 cells from IMC experiment. data(data) dim(data) ##output from histoCAT to R expr<-data[,3:36] normExp<-percentilenormalize(data=expr,percentile=0.99) normExp<-as.matrix(normExp) ##spatial component spatial<-(data[,c("X_position","Y_position")]) spatial<-as.matrix(spatial) ##uniqueLabel uniqueLabel<-paste0(data[,"ImageId"],"_",data[,"CellId"]) phenotypes<-data[,grepl("Phenograph",colnames(data))] morph<-as.matrix(data[,c("Area","Eccentricity", "Solidity", "Extent", "Perimeter")]) x<-imcExperiment(cellIntensity=t(normExp), coordinates=spatial, neighborHood=as.matrix(data[,grepl("neighbour_",colnames(data))]), network=phenotypes, distance=matrix(1,nrow=nrow(data),ncol=10), morphology=morph, panel=colnames(normExp), uniqueLabel=paste0(data$ImageId,"_",data$CellId), ROIID=data.frame(ROIID=data$ImageId)) ## explore the container. dim(assay(x)) colData(x)$treatment<-DataFrame(treatment=rep('none',1000)) head(colData(x)) head( colnames(x)) rownames(x) ## Intensity all(t(cellIntensity(x))==normExp) head(t(cellIntensity(x))) ##coordinate all(getCoordinates(x)==spatial) head(getCoordinates(x)) #neighbor attraction data form histoCAT all(getNeighborhood(x)==as.matrix(data[,grepl("neighbour_",colnames(data))])) head(getNeighborhood((x))) ##phenotype cluster ID head(getNetwork(x)) all(getNetwork(x)==phenotypes) ###distance calculations head(getDistance(x)) ##morphology all(getMorphology(x)==morph) head(getMorphology(x)) ##uniqueLabel head(getLabel(x)) all(getLabel(x)==paste0(data$ImageId,"_",data$CellId) ) ``` ### PCA demo analysis * PCA data and tSNE coordinates can be added to the container. ```{r} ### inherited accessor. pca_data <- prcomp(t(counts(x)), rank=50) tsDat<-data.frame(tsne.x=data$tSNE4148542692_1,tsne.y=data$tSNE4148542692_2,row.names=colnames(x)) reducedDims(x)<-list(PCA=pca_data$x,TSNE=tsDat) x reducedDimNames(x) dim(reducedDims(x)$PCA) dim(reducedDims(x)$TSNE) imc<-x x<-NULL ``` ### IMC container and Phenograph cluster neighborhood * Phenograph an IMC contrainer and heatmap result. ```{r pheno,eval=FALSE,fig.width=11,fig.height=11,message=FALSE} ### create phenotypes via Rphenograph ##run phenograph library(Rphenograph) library(igraph) phenos<-Rphenograph(t(cellIntensity(imc)),k=35) pheno.labels<-as.numeric(igraph::membership(phenos[[2]])) getNetwork(imc)<-data.frame(cell_clustering=pheno.labels) head( getNetwork(imc)) ##plot phenograph #plot_clustering_heatmap_wrapper(myExperiment=imc) ``` ### histoCAT analysis * raw input from histoCAT and creating an IMC container. * containerizes the intensities, neighborhood results, morphology, and computes nearest distances and stores it. * Can use a hyperframe to identify distances quickly. ```{r,fig.width=11,fig.height=11} ### reading in a directory of histoCAT csv files. ##need to reconstruct the fold revised IMC data. ##merges a folder full of histoCAT csv files. # use morphology and the 1-10 neighbors. dataSet<-NULL for(i in c("case8.csv","case5.csv")){ message(i) fpath <- system.file("extdata", i, package="imcExperiment") case1<-read.csv(fpath) proteins<-colnames(case1)[grepl("Cell_",colnames(case1))] neig<-colnames(case1)[grepl("neighbour_",colnames(case1))][1:10] case1<-case1[,c("ImageId","CellId","X_position","Y_position",proteins, "Area", "Eccentricity", "Solidity", "Extent", "Perimeter", neig)] dataSet<-rbind(dataSet,case1) } expr<-dataSet[,proteins] normExp<-percentilenormalize(data=expr,percentile=0.99) normExp<-as.matrix(normExp) boxplot(normExp) ##spatial component spatial<-(dataSet[,c("X_position","Y_position")]) spatial<-as.matrix(spatial) ##uniqueLabel uniqueLabel<-paste0(dataSet[,"ImageId"],"_",dataSet[,"CellId"]) ##not yet assigned phenotypes<-matrix(0,nrow(dataSet),1) ROIID=data.frame(ROIID=dataSet[,"ImageId"]) morph<-dataSet[,c("Area", "Eccentricity", "Solidity", "Extent", "Perimeter")] x<-imcExperiment(cellIntensity=t(normExp), coordinates=spatial, neighborHood=as.matrix(dataSet[,grepl("neighbour_",colnames(dataSet))]), network=phenotypes, distance=matrix(1,nrow=nrow(dataSet),ncol=10), morphology=morph, panel=colnames(normExp), uniqueLabel=uniqueLabel, ROIID=ROIID) x #require(Rphenograph); library(igraph) #phenos<-Rphenograph(t(cellIntensity(x)),k=35) # pheno.labels<-as.numeric(membership(phenos[[2]])) # getNetwork(x)<-data.frame(cell_clustering=pheno.labels) # head(getNetwork(x)) ##plot phenograph #plot_clustering_heatmap_wrapper(myExperiment=x) ``` ### Access unique cell ID * getLabel(), we can access unique cell ID * subsetCase(x,ROIID) can subset to a single ROIID * selectCases(x,c("ROI1","ROI2","ROI3")) selects a subset of multiple ROIs. ```{r} ##store the ROIID in the metadata columns. ##access the unique cell labels. tail(getLabel(x)) roi<-subsetCase(x,372149 ) roi table(sapply(strsplit(getLabel(roi),"_"),function(x) x[1])) ``` ## Distance computations speedily * The function 'imcExperimentToHyperFrame(), creates a point pattern useful for distance measures. * Given a hyperframe pairwise computations can be done. ```{r} ##you can append more clinical features to the columns of the sampleDat data.frame. H<-imcExperimentToHyperFrame(imcExperiment=x,phenotypeToUse = 1) helper<-function(pp=NULL,i=NULL,j=NULL){ ps<-split(pp) nnd<-nncross(ps[[i]],ps[[j]]) } ## 1-NN analysis. ## compare cluster 10 to cluster 9 #eachNND<-with(H,helper(pp=point,i="10",j="8")) ## first choose 2 clusters to compare. # sapply(eachNND,function(x) mean(x[,"dist"])) ``` ### Changing class from IMC to SummarizedExperiment * IMC container can change to SummarizedExperiment and the FlowSOM algorithm can be used for cell classification. ```{r classChange,eval=FALSE,fig.width=9,fig.height=9,message=FALSE} library(CATALYST) library(cowplot) library(flowCore) library(ggplot2) library(SingleCellExperiment) library(diffcyt) ## from IMCexperiment to SCE sce<- SingleCellExperiment(x) class(sce) ## FIX ME: add the SOM algorithms for over-clustering and meta-clustering by using class inheritance. #### for the cytof, the columns are sample info and the rows are cells. it uses the SummarizedExperiment format. ## change into a flowFrame? ## change into a daFrame (CATALYST) #data("data") rd<-DataFrame(colData(imcdata)) marker_info<-data.frame(channel_name=sapply(strsplit(rownames(imcdata),"_"),function(x) x[3]), marker_name=rownames(imcdata), marker_class=c(rep("type",13), rep("state",18), rep("none",13))) ## Switching into Summarized Experiment class. dse<-SummarizedExperiment(assays=SimpleList(exprs=t(cellIntensity(imcdata))), rowData=rd, colData=DataFrame(marker_info) ) stopifnot(all(colnames(dse)==marker_info$marker_name)) dse # Transform data recommended dse <- transformData(dse) ## maybe look a the normalization. # Generate clusters dse <- (generateClusters(dse,meta_clustering=TRUE,meta_k=30,seed_clustering=828)) ## examine each cluster. cluster<-rowData(dse) data<-data.frame(t(logcounts(imcdata)),cluster) #plot_matrix_heatmap_wrapper(expr=data[,rownames(imcdata)], # cell_clustering=data$cluster_id) # ``` ## IMC and flowSet conversions * utilize CATALYST package for IMC we can see scatter plots after converting to FlowSets. * the rownames for IMC are set to the panel names, and we can split these to create the marker and metal. * The ROIID is useful for quickly creating a FlowSet object as a class inheritance method. * The rownames of IMC container are usually in "Cell_Marker_ChannelMetal" ```{r, eval=FALSE,message=FALSE} ## the assay returns matrix class! required for CATALYST. is(assay(imcdata,'counts'),'matrix') rownames(imcdata) # for plot scatter to work need to set the rowData feature in a specific way. channel<-sapply(strsplit(rownames(imcdata),"_"),function(x) x[3]) channel[34:35]<-c("Ir1911","Ir1931") marker<-sapply(strsplit(rownames(imcdata),"_"),function(x) x[2]) rowData(imcdata)<-DataFrame(channel_name=channel,marker_name=marker) rownames(imcdata)<-marker plotScatter(imcdata,rownames(imcdata)[17:18],assay='counts') # convert to flowSet ## the warning has to do with duplicated Iridium channels. table(colData(imcdata)$ROIID) (fsimc <- sce2fcs(imcdata, split_by = "ROIID")) ## now we have a flowSet. pData(fsimc) fsApply(fsimc,nrow) dim(exprs(fsimc[[1]])) exprs(fsimc[[1]])[1:5,1:5] ## set up the metadata files. head(marker_info) exper_info<-data.frame(group_id=colData(imcdata)$Treatment[match(pData(fsimc)$name,colData(imcdata)$ROIID)], patient_id=colData(imcdata)$Patient.Number[match(pData(fsimc)$name,colData(imcdata)$ROIID)], sample_id=pData(fsimc)$name) ## create design design<-createDesignMatrix( exper_info,cols_design=c("group_id","patient_id")) ##set up contrast contrast<-createContrast(c(0,1,0)) nrow(contrast)==ncol(design) data.frame(parameters=colnames(design),contrast) ## flowSet to DiffCyt out_DA<-diffcyt( d_input=fsimc, experiment_info=exper_info, marker_info=marker_info, design=design, contrast=contrast, analysis_type = "DA", seed_clustering = 123 ) topTable(out_DA,format_vals = TRUE) out_DS<-diffcyt( d_input=fsimc, experiment_info=exper_info, marker_info=marker_info, design=design, contrast=contrast, analysis_type='DS', seed_clustering = 123, plot=FALSE) topTable(out_DS,format_vals = TRUE) ### from flowSet to SE. d_se<-prepareData(fsimc,exper_info,marker_info) ``` ### Diffcyt package tutorial (extra) * Given a flowSet object we can utilize the diffCyt package for measuring phenotype differences. * This code section is an example of diffcyt from their manual. * Creates a random summarized experiment. ```{r diffcyt,eval=FALSE} library(diffcyt) # Function to create random data (one sample) d_random <- function(n = 20000, mean = 0, sd = 1, ncol = 20, cofactor = 5) { d <- sinh(matrix(rnorm(n, mean, sd), ncol = ncol)) * cofactor colnames(d) <- paste0("marker", sprintf("%02d", 1:ncol)) d } # Create random data (without differential signal) set.seed(123) d_input <- list( sample1 = d_random(), sample2 = d_random(), sample3 = d_random(), sample4 = d_random() ) experiment_info <- data.frame( sample_id = factor(paste0("sample", 1:4)), group_id = factor(c("group1", "group1", "group2", "group2")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) marker_info <- data.frame( channel_name = paste0("channel", sprintf("%03d", 1:20)), marker_name = paste0("marker", sprintf("%02d", 1:20)), marker_class = factor(c(rep("type", 10), rep("state", 10)), levels = c("type", "state", "none")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # Prepare data d_se <- prepareData(d_input, experiment_info, marker_info) # Transform data d_se <- transformData(d_se) # Generate clusters d_se <- generateClusters(d_se) ```